Module ConfigurationΒΆ

Algorithms within this project are divided into four main modules: model, loss, dataset and engine, that are managed by Register mechanics. For convenient, the importing and configuration of modules, parameters are format as yaml files.

Similarly, the directory structure of system is arranged as different modules shown as below, for orderly management. Hence, in the documentation they would be introduced one by one according to the structure. Additionally, some modules include submodules, they are presented in corresponding chapter.

   - configs/
   - dataset/
   - model/
   - loss/
   - engine/
   - utils/

The file is entry of program, which is capable to parse configuration from yaml file, import the assigned modules, start the engine and so on. That is to say, parameters of

To learn more about configuration file and the Register mechanics for modules management, take a look at the sections described below.

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